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Founders & hosts of Swing Dance Wednesday Night Twin Cities. Minneapolis & St. Paul area's longest-running weekly swing dance night featuring exceptional live music.
We in teach & perform 20th century Jazz and social dances of the United States - from rare to iconic dances - from Ragtime to Rock & Roll
We offer instruction & performance in popular social and specialty dances of the 20th Century.
1900-1920/Ragtime: Castle Walk, One Step, Fox Trot, Turkey Trot, Animal Dances
1920s: Charleston, Black Bottom, Raccoon, Jazz Steps
1930s-1940s: Collegiate Shag, Original Big Apple, Box Shag, Heel Shag, Little Apple, Lindy Hop, Shag dances in Single, Double, & Triple Rhythm
1950s-1960s: 6-count Swing, Bop, Rock & Roll Stroll, The Stroll, Hully-Gully and a variety of mid century fad & go-go dances.
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